Harvest 3×3

Was feeling a bit rusty on Python, so spent an hour today throwing together a very simple farming game / idle game that runs in the terminal. Game’s called Harvest 3×3 (“Harvest Three By Three”), loosely inspired by Harvest Moon or Stardew Valley. All you do is wait until the crops grow and then harvestContinue reading “Harvest 3×3”

House of the Architect

Started another mod project in the old Thief engine about two weeks ago. This is a level design / 3d modeling project, I’m placing all the terrain geometry, textures and objects by hand. Already have a story in mind. May or may not go anywhere, but I’m enjoying the work. Screenshots below. Got another interviewContinue reading “House of the Architect”

The 224 Series – Pt. 1

Spent the last few weeks buckling down on my pixel art portfolio by working on the 224 Series. I mentioned this last post but it’s essentially a series of (at least) five pixel art pieces, all 224×224 resolution, and all fan art of an iconic moment from a 3D game, with an accompanying quote. I’veContinue reading “The 224 Series – Pt. 1”


Been away for a while, partially due to the fact that I caught covid and have been sick for over a week. I have managed to do some work in the meantime, mostly on small, one-off projects that I’ll describe here. One of the smaller projects I put together over the last few weeks wasContinue reading “Update”

Candy Corn Catcher

Threw a smaller project together this week, over an afternoon. This is a simple arcade game called Candy Corn Catcher. It’s written with Python and the PyGame library of functions (with original art assets made in Aseprite), like Goblin Hero, but it’s only about 100 lines of code. You play as the flying pumpkin andContinue reading “Candy Corn Catcher”

Starting with JavaScript

This was the first time in the last nine months that I went a week without doing any work on Goblin Hero. I focused instead on getting started with JavaScript, building some very basic beginner programs, to have something to talk about at my interview. The interview turned out to be kind of a weirdContinue reading “Starting with JavaScript”

Big News

I believe I’ve finished animating all the spells for the Goblin Hero demo. One of them may need to be reworked, but I feel pretty good about the others. This one, Immolate, is one of the few I animated recently. I’ve also been continuing to code in the dimensions of the collision boxes in theContinue reading “Big News”

Specific Collision

A few smallish updates this week… first, I coded in all the specific instances of collision at their proper coordinates for the first level of Goblin Hero’s demo, the House level. These are just Wall objects, which are essentially rectangles, with their coordinates as attributes. This first level alone has about 20 Wall rectangles thatContinue reading “Specific Collision”

Another Level

The biggest addition to Goblin Hero this week is a brand new cave level for the upcoming demo. The cave level is planned to be placed between the hoarder’s basement level and the crypt level. I put most of the assets for this cave together this week, it’s about ten to fifteen unique tiles altogether.Continue reading “Another Level”

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