Follow the Leader

I’ve been working on two major features this week. First, I got the party sprites to follow the player around on the overworld. Between the art and code, I spent about a week working on this feature, and it was a relief to finally get it working. The way this feature works is based primarilyContinue reading “Follow the Leader”

Portals and Party Members

I’ve been working hard on Goblin Hero this week. My main areas of focus have been drawing and redrawing the party member sprites, and implementing portals. We’ll talk about portals first. Portals are any object that transports the player from one level to another. A portal could be a set of stairs between floors, theContinue reading “Portals and Party Members”

Objects Galore

Hello and welcome. I’ve been working on a lot of different features this week, so there’s several topics to go over. To demonstrate the new features, I’ve put together a simple example area with a low level of detail. Actual final environments will be far more decorated. Without further ado, let’s continue. First, by usingContinue reading “Objects Galore”

A Scrolling Text System

Hi everyone. My big focus over the past week was building a system to display scrolling text to the screen during NPC dialogue, story exhibition and other appropriate situations. This kind of one-character-at-a-time scrolling text is seen all the time when you talk to NPCs in games, for example in the Zelda series, or inContinue reading “A Scrolling Text System”

Goblin Hero – State Map & Systems Overview

Hi! I did a lot of work on Goblin Hero over the last week, including adding a splash screen, a new title screen, and most importantly, adding some complexity to the battle system – primarily, you can now fight up to four monsters at a time, rather than just one. While working on the battleContinue reading “Goblin Hero – State Map & Systems Overview”

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