
Been away for a while, partially due to the fact that I caught covid and have been sick for over a week. I have managed to do some work in the meantime, mostly on small, one-off projects that I’ll describe here. One of the smaller projects I put together over the last few weeks wasContinue reading “Update”

Big News

I believe I’ve finished animating all the spells for the Goblin Hero demo. One of them may need to be reworked, but I feel pretty good about the others. This one, Immolate, is one of the few I animated recently. I’ve also been continuing to code in the dimensions of the collision boxes in theContinue reading “Big News”

Specific Collision

A few smallish updates this week… first, I coded in all the specific instances of collision at their proper coordinates for the first level of Goblin Hero’s demo, the House level. These are just Wall objects, which are essentially rectangles, with their coordinates as attributes. This first level alone has about 20 Wall rectangles thatContinue reading “Specific Collision”

Another Level

The biggest addition to Goblin Hero this week is a brand new cave level for the upcoming demo. The cave level is planned to be placed between the hoarder’s basement level and the crypt level. I put most of the assets for this cave together this week, it’s about ten to fifteen unique tiles altogether.Continue reading “Another Level”

Time Travel Shenanigans

I have a few new features this week. I’ve added a new function, update_display(), to replace some code I had copied in a few different areas, which basically just displays all the current entities to the screen at the appropriate locations. I also began coding entities into Goblin Hero’s crypt level, in the form ofContinue reading “Time Travel Shenanigans”


I spent much of this week continuing the process of breaking my massive 4000 line source file into a smaller file structure that’s more intuitive to navigate. This is the structure I’ve settled on for now. I have a Classes folder and a Data folder. The Classes folder has each class stored in its ownContinue reading “Organization”

Going Back

This week I finally added a back button to all the currently existing menus in Goblin Hero. This was trickier than I expected, as each menu function needed it to be implemented in a slightly different way, and I have a lot of menus now. Eventually I got it working for all of them –Continue reading “Going Back”

Spell Selection

I’ve added four major new features to Goblin Hero and its engine this week. First, party members can now choose to Guard during battle. Doing this forfeits their chance to take a different action (like attacking), but halves incoming damage. The specifics will most likely be tweaked for balance in the future. Second, I sprucedContinue reading “Spell Selection”

Ghosts of Goblins

I reached several milestones this week regarding Goblin Hero’s development. The main source file has passed 3000 lines of Python code, and I’ve put in over 200 hours creating pixel art for the project. I’ve added a lot of changes to the engine of Goblin Hero, mostly relating to the improvement of the battle system.Continue reading “Ghosts of Goblins”

Prototype Polish

I’ve been putting a little extra polish on the engine of Goblin Hero, mostly in the battle mode. First, I added some screen shake when the player takes damage during battle. This is achieved by a series of simple additions and subtractions to the x and y coordinates of each element in the battle scene.Continue reading “Prototype Polish”

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